Welcome to the Paladino Boys

Join us as we share our experiences with sports, school, toy reviews, Pokemon, games, and online content. And together, let's also make a difference by helping other children through www.Athletesforchildren.com

Happy birthday to one of our best Friends!!

We Love you buddy!!

Our Work

Toy Reviews

We review the latest and greatest toys so you know which ones are worth the hype.

Pokemon Battles

We share our strategies and battle experiences in the world of Pokemon.

Sports Stories

We share our experiences and stories from playing sports, including challenges and victories.

two people playing Sony PS4 game console
two people playing Sony PS4 game console
Game Reviews

We play and review the hottest video games so you can make informed decisions before buying.

We work with our dad at www.athletesforchildren.org to help children in need.

three person pointing the silver laptop computer
three person pointing the silver laptop computer
School Life

We talk about our experiences in school and share tips for success.

Charity Work

About The Paladino Boys

Paladino Boys is a blog by kids, for kids. We share our experiences with sports, school, toy reviews, Pokemon, games, and online content. We also work with our dad at www.athletesforchildren.org to help children in need.

Get in touch

We'd love to hear from you! Contact us by email or follow us on social media.